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Instor3 Project Supports Global One Foundation

InStor3 Project has been supporting Global One since 2019.  Most recently, we supplied support for Global One to purchase new mattresses for the lower primary nursery class.

About Global One

Global One is a US-based 501(c)3, international NGO/nonprofit with programs in Kibera Kenya.  Major Charity Partner in Global Poverty Project Live Below the Line Campaign USA.

  • Holistic Education: 3 chartered elementary and secondary education schools for those forgotten and unable to afford tuition
  • Regenerative OnenessFarm, organically supports 32,000 meals per month
  • Daily School Meditation for the Kibera Community
    • 700 people participate in twice daily Global One meditation sessions time-synced throughout the class schedule across the schools
  • Clean water

Our Partners are working from (W)Holistic Regenerative Approaches To:

  • Consciousness-centered
  • Holistic Farming, Regenerative Agriculture
  • Education-Focused Opportunities
  • Eco or Sustainable Construction Architecture for Slum Housing and School Construction
  • Music, Traditional Art, and New Emerging Artistic Instruments
  • Holistic Approaches to Science, Community Projects, and Wellbeing
  • Preservation of Nature and Biodiversity
  • Preservation of Culture and Land
  • Recognition of our Interconnectedness
  • Systems Theory and Integral Theory
  • Awakened Service

Visit their website:


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