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Our Commitment To Our Donors

Last Modified: September 7, 2022

InStor3 Project Foundation, a Kansas 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, also doing business as  InStor3 Project Foundation and  InStor3 Project Foundation (collectively, “ISPF”) is committed to respecting the privacy of its financial and in-kind donors, whether the donation is made online, by mail, or by any other method. When you make a donation, you provide information including, but not necessarily limited to, your name and contact information. Financial donors provide standard payment information including, in many circumstances, credit card data. We protect your information in a variety of ways, as described below.

We use commercially reasonable physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect your information. Many donors use credit cards for donations, and we conduct such financial transactions via secured transmissions. We also limit our own employees’ access to information collected from donors to those individuals who are authorized for the proper handling of such information and any employee found violating our standards of security and confidentiality will be subject to our disciplinary processes. We request that our operational service providers follow similar standards of security and confidentiality.

Our commitment to respect our donors’ privacy extends to how we obtain, use, protect, and share information about them, both online and offline. This Donor Privacy Policy is intended to be applied in conjunction with related ISPF policies, including, but not limited to, our main Privacy Policy.

  • We will not share or sell our donors’ personal information with anyone else, except as described herein, or in our main Privacy Policy.
  • We will not contact our donors on behalf of other organizations unless the donor has given us specific permission to do so.
  • We will only disclose personal information once the donor has given ISPF-specific permission to do so for purposes of referral, testimonial, example, recognition, or publicity.


We respect our donors’ choices and control over their information. You, as a donor may, at any time, have your name excluded from any donor list exchange activity. We also recognize that you may wish to limit the ways in which we contact you, and we offer the following options for restricting the internal and external sharing of your contact information:

  • Do not contact me by telephone.
  • Do not contact me by postal mail.
  • Do not contact me by email.
  • Do not share my contact information with other nonprofit organizations.
  • Do not contact me with fundraising requests supporting ISPF.
  • Do not contact me.

To request that your name be excluded from list exchange activity or to otherwise change how ISPF contacts you, please email us at [email protected].

If you opt back into a specific service, you will receive communication in that manner regardless of your overall opt-out selections. For example, if you request a newsletter subscription, we will provide you with that subscription, even if you previously asked us not to contact you at all. We will take all reasonable efforts to ensure that your requests are honored in a timely fashion. Please note that if you are an active participant in one of our fundraising events, you may receive communications related to that event regardless of your overall opt-out selections. If you do not wish to receive emails about that event, please opt out using the “unsubscribe” link provided in the communication.

We reserve the right to revise this Donor Privacy Policy at any time by updating this posting without advance notice to donors. Such revisions shall be effective immediately upon posting.

For more information about ISPF’s commitment to privacy, including how to unsubscribe from ISPF communications, please see our main Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy was last modified on the date indicated above and is effective immediately.

Copyright © 2022 InStor3 Project | Tax ID 81-1161708 | All Rights Reserved. Designed by Candy Freeman.